Water Tank Cleaning Service | Teknikturk
/ Services / Water Tank Cleaning

Water Tank Cleaning

  • Water Tank Cleaning

Water is life!

Water is vital for creatures. However, unhealthy and dirty water cause of death on 6. Ranks after alchol and smoke according to World Health Organization’s report. Do not take risk of your health.

Please have your water tank regularly cleaned for your health!

No matter how water clean in tank, after it has been bought in 4-6 months, It forms a layer as a result of physcial and chemical reaction. Teknikturk,with over 40s year experience, makes periodical cleaning of your water tank with special designed celeaning products to prevent layers.

Water Tank Cleaning

  • Address:
    Zumrutevler Mah. Nil Caddesi. Hukukcular ve Idareciler Sitesi Sosyal Tesis Binasi Kat:2 34852 Maltepe / ISTANBUL / TURKEY
  • E-mail:
  • Phone:
    Call Center: 444 85 65
    Fax: 0216 386 52 65