/ Services / Live Animal Trap

Live Animal Trap

  • Live Animal Traps
  • Live Animal Traps
  • Live Animal Traps
  • Live Animal Traps

Live Catching Cages

Live Catching Cages
Some animals cause various negative effects psychologically and economically by spreading contagious disease to humans and environment such as hydrophobia, flea, louse, bird flu, allergic reactions etc. Until recently, in elimination of such effects or decreasing of negative effects simple and primitive methods were being used. Today, fighting methods are more technical, economical and practical and it is behaved more respectful to animal rights.
Live Catching Cages are practical and safe in use especially in municipalities, healthcare organizations, factories, food and manufacturing sector and collective living areas like building complexes. They ensure easy catching of animals free of cost and removal of them where they are. Teknikturk ,with live catching cages, aims catching of animals easily, effectively, economically and quickly without damaging them and protection of various sectors from risk. Live catching cages are the most convenient instruments that serve this need.
  • They are the equipments in conformity to the solution-oriented “CATCH-CASTRATE-VACCINATE” principle of which success has been approved in our country and world.
  • It is durable and economic.
  • It ensures serial and practical working, hygiene and time-saving to local governments.
  • It does not create fear on animals and society.
  • As it is foldable, it can be easily carried and used.
  • It gives catching opportunity without risk in contagious disease or hydrophobia fighting.

Hosting and Carrying Cages

Hosting and Carrying Cages
They are the other cage systems served by our company. These cages, preferred in high quality standards, are sold by taking into consideration animal rights in subjects such as transportation and shipment. Teknikturk avoids of preferring materials that infringe animal rights and give damage to animals.
These are the cages that ensure easy transportation of animals by means of vehicles, that are caught with traps during collective animal controls like cats, dogs, wolfs etc, and enable the catching trap continuously being kept on the land. Cages are made of robust coated wire. These cages having two sliding doors upwards on both sides enable easy and riskless transportation.
  • As its design is in double structure, it ensures transportation of at least two animals.
  • It ensures care after castration under hygienic conditions.
  • It has a tray and its feet serve as a lock. Thanks to this feature, it is used by being placed one on the top of the other. It ensures space-saving.
  • As it is foldable, it can be easily carried and used.

  • Address:
    Zumrutevler Mah. Nil Caddesi. Hukukcular ve Idareciler Sitesi Sosyal Tesis Binasi Kat:2 34852 Maltepe / ISTANBUL / TURKEY
  • E-mail:
  • Phone:
    Call Center: 444 85 65
    Fax: 0216 386 52 65